The Puzzle That is Lorcana

The Puzzle That is Lorcana

One thing that some TCG's strive for is building playerbases for the games they sell and support. Some games, like Magic, can be as easy as posting events online and watching the players show up.  Other games, like Flesh & Blood, require recruiting efforts by the current players to get others to come out and hopefully grow the base. To this date, If there has been one game that has trickier than others to figure out, it has been Lorcana.

Lorcana has been a mainstay in our store as far as stocking product and offering events.  We have had two successful Set Championships since they debuted, and have had well attended launch events whenever a new set releases. The struggle is trying to find the right mix of weekly events in between that gets players interested and coming out to play. 

Questing for all that lore is fun, but depending on what format you are playing, deckbuilding can be completely different.  In Constructed events, decks are limited to no more than two colors.  Now that the game has five expansion sets out, the overall cardpool is big enough to have a variety of options. Tournament players enjoy the competition and the challenge, whether it be building original decks or fine-tuning their strongest decks for higher prized events.  Newer players and players who prefer to quest at home with house rules (lovingly known as kitchen table players) do not usually come to play Constructed events.

On the other side of the coin, Lorcana Draft events are very new player friendly and casual.  You draft a total of 48 cards (4 packs) to build a deck from, and the deck minimum is 40 cards.  This means you just have to cut eight cards, or you can just sleeve every card up and have at it.  There is no color restriction, meaning your decks will most likely have all six colors in it!  There is also no card copy maximum, meaning if you managed to draft six copies of the same card, you can put all six in your deck. Drafts does make for some fun and goofy games (pun intended), with card combinations that may never happen in Constructed decks that cannot have more than two colors in it.  After the first few weeks of a new set release, the Constructed players do not usually come to play Draft events, mostly because they have the cards they need for their current decks and they would rather play with them.

Of course, there are exceptions, and we have some players who will come to play any Lorcana event that they're able to make.  The overall goal is to have a healthy number of engaged players, so no matter what event is on the calendar, we will have cards being inked, songs being sung, and someone's lore counter hitting that magic number 20.  Make sure to stop in if you're interested in some Lorcana!